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This paper draws on the reflections of two social work educators who have, for many years taught research methods to undergraduate and postgraduate social work students in India and Australia. The intent is to suggest measures for enhancing the quality of social work research education. The reflections are embedded in a social justice and human rights framework, privileging the educators’ unique social and cultural contexts and their commitment to engage with indigenous knowledge. The authors recommend effective social work research education requires the educator to draw on a deep understanding of their own context, as well as globally accepted research traditions. Particularly, we encourage research teachers to adopt student-centred approaches that emphasise a broad ‘research mindedness’ (in their students and themselves), building students’ practical capacities and confidence to become effective, research informed practitioners; capable of contributing to their own communities and to the social work profession more broadly.  相似文献   
针对中国西部地区长期以来封闭保守的状况 ,指出了西部开发中贯彻开放思路的必要性及必须解决好开放观念和开放政策两个基本问题。并从战略和操作两个层面阐明了西部开发中开放思路的目标、内容和途径。  相似文献   
呈现在今人面前的李白 ,并非一个历史本真的李白。从研究者的角度看 ,有必要寻觅出历史原型李白。作为社会角色 ,历史原型李白是一位鲜明的志士型和诗人型的历史人物 ,而超常的奇异性则是其独特的个案特征。当然 ,历史原型李白也有其从俗性的一面。研究历史原型李白对于研究“李白文化现象”具有特别重要的意义  相似文献   
Mindfulness is becoming more popular as emerging research demonstrates its benefits for self-care, by cultivating calmness and decreasing stress or anxiety. This pilot study aimed to measure the impact of a six-week Mindfulness course, modelled on the manualised treatment programme developed by Kabat-Zinn on the mental well-being, stress and resilience of undergraduate social work students in Northern Ireland. This was a mixed methods study involving two groups: (1) intervention group participants who attended a six-week Mindfulness course (April–May 2016) and (2) control group participants. Basic socio-demographic data were collected from all participants and all were invited to complete the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale and the Resilience Scale during weeks 1 and 6. Statistical tests were used to compare mean scores from the scales, and qualitative data were manually analysed using thematic content analysis. Findings indicated significant changes in the scores for well-being, stress and resilience for the intervention group, but not for the control group. Mindfulness may not appeal to all students so it should not be a mandatory component of training, but may be offered as one of the wider approaches to self-care for undergraduate social work degree students.  相似文献   
近代湘人精神世界有三个明显的发展趋向,其转折点在1895年。之前,湘人精神世界被保守意识、忠君意识和偏执意识充斥。此后,开放求新的趋向、追求民主的趋向以及理智自知的趋向日趋勃兴。  相似文献   
本文分析了对格式合同进行规制的原因 ,介绍了国外有关格式合同制度的先进经验 ,并针对我国立法中存在的问题 ,提出了改变目前不合理的体系 ,完善相关内容 ,确立预防性审查制的建议  相似文献   
此恨难平君知否——竹山词艺术特色浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜湘君 《云梦学刊》2001,22(3):72-73,77
从国家、民族、个人的遭逢际遇来看竹山词的独特艺术风格,可以见出其词是内在的深挚沉痛之情和外示的萧廖旷达之语的有机统一,与稼轩、碧山均不雷同,形成了自己的独特风格.  相似文献   
保护舆论监监督的原则至少应从三个方面着眼新闻媒体依法独立行使舆论监督权利;有利于维护社会公共利益;新闻侵权认定应适用"严格责任"和"公正评论".  相似文献   
The General Social Care Council (GSCC) Post Qualifying Practice Teaching Award requires candidates to access and evaluate research as well as local and national polices. However there can be resistance from social workers to accessing and using research despite the recent emphasis on evidence based practice. The author used Curriculum Action Research, whilst undertaking the Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, as a tool to make manageable changes to her teaching practice, by routinely introducing secondary research articles in every teaching session. This approach encouraged the candidates' learning and enabled their completion of their research assignment on their chosen topic, whilst also supporting or challenging their existing attitudes to the role of research in social work practice.  相似文献   
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